These are photos I took at home to try out some ideas for my photoshoot tomorrow. I have photos like these for each of the five cities that my jacket designs are based on travelling to, but I have just put up the ones for Paris. For each city I have a different map and different props that represent iconic things or themes from that city.
At first I thought I just wanted the maps to cover the wall and have the model standing in front, much like in the image from 'The Golden Age of Couture'. But then I started thinking about how it could be a little more interesting and stand out more as being from particular cities rather than just in front of a map. This is when I decided to use extra props, such as miniature statues of iconic things (ie. the Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, etc.) as well as something to help demonstrate the functions of the jacket, as it all began with exploring the tensions between the technical/functional and the creative. I've used a mini step-ladder/stool in the photos so that the model can demonstrate how the wearer can move freely in the jacket whilst walking and even climbing stairs.
The middle image shows the props against a blank backdrop, as I am thinking about projecting the image of the map onto the scene rather than having it purely in the background. This would mean that the image would be on the model and all of the props as well as the wall behind, which I think would have an interesting effect. I'm going to try it boths ways (with the projector and with the map just in the background) and see which works the best. The things I'm concerned about with the projected image is that it might not be recognisable as a map if it is blown out too large or that it might make it too difficult to see the actual jacket itself. Hopefully it works!
The top image here is the photo of the blank background scene with a model drawn in and a map printed onto acetate layered over the top. This was to get some sort of idea of what it could look like.