Thursday, July 30, 2009
notched collar variation

This image is a front view of my variation on the class exercise (notched collar & lapel). The first thing I did was play with the proportions of the collar and lapel, lengthening the collar to the waist and making the lapel quite short and wide. Then I decided to slash and open the collar along the outer edge and add in small knife pleats too add another dimension. This was to see what kind of effect the pleats would have on the way the collar sits. With the actual collar I was happy with the result of the pleats as I think they make it sit up in an interesting way. However, I was a bit disappointed in the shorter lapel as I couldn't get it to sit quite right, it just kept poking out in a funny way. Even though it didn't quite work, I'm glad that I tried changing it completely so that I could learn if it would work or not.
notched collar